FOCUS ON: Jersey Fabrics
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Let’s hear it for jersey! Now then, hands up: who likes wearing jersey but is a bit shy about making something with it? Yes, I see a few hands up there. ‘It’s tricky to work with!’ ‘Too slippy and stretchy!’ ‘It moves too much when you cut it!’ And so on. Well, yes and no. Yes, it needs some forethought before tackling it. But let’s take a minute to see how jersey can be made to work for you. It’s not that daunting with some careful planning. First of all, you need the right pattern, one geared specifically to a...
Focus on: Spring Fabrics
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After a dark and dreary winter I think we can all say we are craving some summer sun. While Scotland doesn’t always provide, our new range of fabrics for this spring season will hopefully bring some sunshine to your day. Furthermore, the new spring catalogs are winging there way to us so you can create beautiful on-trend styles super easily. Bold prints and colours in cotton are ideal for summer dresses and tops. Easy to wear and work with; even the simplest of designs will make a statement. We love this pattern from Simplicity, ideal for casual daywear or why...
2015: All Sewn Up
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How many New Year's Resolutions did you make and actually keep last year? Whether its promising to eat more healthily, make friends with your gym membership or to spend more quality time with yourself; New Year's Resolutions are tough to stick to. So let's make 2015 different. Let's make our resolutions something to look forward to. Why not make a promise to make more presents than you buy this year? Or try to master a new fabric you haven't tried before? Or even better- sign up for a dressmaking or quilting course and learn a completely new skill....
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All you Fabric Loving people! We hope this year is filled with love, wool, velvet, cotton and joy!